
Youth Member Q4 2024 - Cyber Security: Win a $25 e-Gift Card to Barnes & Noble

First Source Teen Youth Members, please complete the following education modules to earn your 4th quarter prize: a $25 Barnes & Noble e-gift card!

**All modules must be completed during the timeframe October 1st - December 31st 2024. You must be a First Source youth Member, 13 – 17 years old, and have a valid email address to redeem rewards. Let's get started!

Let's Get Going!
9 items
0% Completed
4 min read
11 Important Skills that Every Digital Citizen Should Possess
11 must have digital citizenship skills. Know how to be responsible online: browsing, cyberbullying, privacy, copyrights, research, and more.
3 min read
Preventing Identity Theft
Stay alert against fraud and stay ahead of scammers and thieves.
10 minute activity
Are You Cyber Safe? For Teens
Test your cyber safety smarts with an interactive simulation designed for teens 13-18.
3 min read
Protect Yourself Online
Learn the basics of cybersecurity to keep your personal and financial information safe online.
4 min read
Ransomware can wreak havoc on anyone’s life, but the more it’s understood, the easier it is to prevent.
4 min read
50 Internet Safety Tips for 2024
Protect yourself from online threats by learning 50 common internet safety tips regarding protecting yourself and your sensitive information.
3 min activity
Scam Checker
Use this tool to quickly check if a suspicious message could be a scam.
4 min read
Recognizing and Avoiding Scams
Defend yourself against scammers by learning to recognize red flags.
Rewards quiz
3 Min Activity
Reward Quiz
After you’ve finished the task above, take this short quiz. Answer 4 out of 5 questions to pass.